Dobby  3.0
Dobby “Docker based Thingy” is a tool for managing and running OCI containers using crun
1 /*
2 * If not stated otherwise in this file or this component's LICENSE file the
3 * following copyright and licenses apply:
4 *
5 * Copyright 2016 Sky UK
6 *
7 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 *
11 *
12 *
13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 * limitations under the License.
18 */
19 /*
20  * File: DobbyConfig.h
21  *
22  */
23 #ifndef DOBBYCONFIG_H
24 #define DOBBYCONFIG_H
26 #include "IDobbyUtils.h"
27 #include "ContainerId.h"
28 #include <IDobbyIPCUtils.h>
29 #include <IDobbySettings.h>
30 #include <Logging.h>
32 #if defined(RDK)
33 # include <json/json.h>
34 #else
35 # include <jsoncpp/json.h>
36 #endif
38 #define PLUGINLAUNCHER_PATH "/usr/bin/DobbyPluginLauncher"
40 #include "rt_dobby_schema.h"
42 #include <sstream>
43 #include <map>
44 #include <list>
45 #include <mutex>
46 #include <string>
47 #include <vector>
48 #include <sys/types.h>
49 #include <sys/mount.h>
51 // Names of the RDK Plugins in the extended bundle
52 #define RDK_NETWORK_PLUGIN_NAME "networking"
53 #define RDK_LOGGING_PLUGIN_NAME "logging"
54 #define RDK_IPC_PLUGIN_NAME "ipc"
55 #define RDK_STORAGE_PLUGIN_NAME "storage"
56 #define RDK_GPU_PLUGIN_NAME "gpu"
57 #define RDK_RTSCHEDULING_PLUGIN_NAME "rtscheduling"
60 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 {
67 public:
68  virtual ~DobbyConfig() = default;
73  enum class NetworkType { None, Nat, Open };
78  typedef struct _LoopMount
79  {
80  std::string fsImagePath;
81  std::string fsImageType;
82  std::string destination;
83  std::list<std::string> mountOptions;
84  unsigned long mountFlags;
88 // virtual methods to be overridden in derived classes
89 public:
93  virtual bool isValid() const = 0;
94  virtual uid_t userId() const = 0;
95  virtual gid_t groupId() const = 0;
96  virtual IDobbyIPCUtils::BusType systemDbus() const = 0;
97  virtual IDobbyIPCUtils::BusType sessionDbus() const = 0;
98  virtual IDobbyIPCUtils::BusType debugDbus() const = 0;
99  virtual bool consoleDisabled() const = 0;
100  virtual ssize_t consoleLimit() const = 0;
101  virtual const std::string& consolePath() const = 0;
102  virtual bool restartOnCrash() const = 0;
103  virtual const std::string& rootfsPath() const = 0;
104  virtual std::shared_ptr<rt_dobby_schema> config() const = 0;
105  virtual const std::map<std::string, Json::Value>& rdkPlugins() const = 0;
107 #if defined(LEGACY_COMPONENTS)
108  virtual const std::map<std::string, Json::Value>& legacyPlugins() const = 0;
113  virtual const std::string spec() const
114  { return std::string(); }
115 #endif //defined(LEGACY_COMPONENTS)
118 // non-virtual methods for default use
119 public:
120  bool addMount(const std::string& source,
121  const std::string& target,
122  const std::string& fsType,
123  unsigned long mountFlags,
124  const std::list<std::string>& mountOptions);
125  bool addEnvironmentVar(const std::string& envVar);
126  bool changeProcessArgs(const std::string& command);
127  bool addWesterosMount(const std::string& socketPath);
128  bool writeConfigJson(const std::string& filePath) const;
130  const std::string configJson() const;
132  void printCommand() const;
133  bool enableSTrace(const std::string& logsDir);
134  void setApparmorProfile(const std::string& profileName);
135  void setPidsLimit(int limit);
137 // protected methods for derived classes to use
138 protected:
139  bool writeConfigJsonImpl(const std::string& filePath) const;
140  bool updateBundleConfig(const ContainerId& id,
141  std::shared_ptr<rt_dobby_schema> cfg,
142  const std::string& bundlePath);
143  bool setHostnameToContainerId(const ContainerId& id,
144  std::shared_ptr<rt_dobby_schema> cfg,
145  const std::string& bundlePath);
146  bool convertToCompliant(const ContainerId& id,
147  std::shared_ptr<rt_dobby_schema> cfg,
148  const std::string& bundlePath);
149  bool isApparmorProfileLoaded(const char *profile) const;
151  struct DevNode
152  {
153  std::string path;
154  dev_t major;
155  dev_t minor;
156  mode_t mode;
157  };
159  static std::list<DevNode> scanDevNodes(const std::list<std::string> &devNodes);
161  mutable std::mutex mLock;
163 private:
164  void addPluginLauncherHooks(std::shared_ptr<rt_dobby_schema> cfg, const std::string& bundlePath);
165  void setPluginHookEntry(rt_defs_hook* entry, const std::string& name, const std::string& configPath);
166  bool findPluginLauncherHookEntry(rt_defs_hook** hook, int len);
167 };
170 #endif // !defined(DOBBYCONFIG_H)
A wrapper around a std::string, used to add some type definition to to an id and also to sanity check...
Definition: ContainerId.h:41
Interface that configuration file parser classes have to implement.
Definition: DobbyConfig.h:66
void printCommand() const
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:320
bool addEnvironmentVar(const std::string &envVar)
Public api to allow for adding additional env variables.
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:234
bool updateBundleConfig(const ContainerId &id, std::shared_ptr< rt_dobby_schema > cfg, const std::string &bundlePath)
Convert the input config.json into an OCI compliant bundle config that adds support for DobbyPluginLa...
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:726
bool changeProcessArgs(const std::string &command)
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:276
bool addWesterosMount(const std::string &socketPath)
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:408
void setApparmorProfile(const std::string &profileName)
Set apparmor profile in config.
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:819
virtual bool isValid() const =0
Getters used for plugins.
static std::list< DevNode > scanDevNodes(const std::list< std::string > &devNodes)
Takes a list of glob patterns corresponding to dev node paths and returns a list of structs with thei...
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:47
bool setHostnameToContainerId(const ContainerId &id, std::shared_ptr< rt_dobby_schema > cfg, const std::string &bundlePath)
Sets the container hostname to the container ID.
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:697
void addPluginLauncherHooks(std::shared_ptr< rt_dobby_schema > cfg, const std::string &bundlePath)
Adds OCI hooks to the config.
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:641
void setPidsLimit(int limit)
Set cgroup pids limit.
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:858
bool findPluginLauncherHookEntry(rt_defs_hook **hook, int len)
Checks a hook for Dobby plugin launcher entries.
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:564
bool enableSTrace(const std::string &logsDir)
Enables strace for the container.
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:347
bool convertToCompliant(const ContainerId &id, std::shared_ptr< rt_dobby_schema > cfg, const std::string &bundlePath)
Convert the input config.json into an OCI compliant bundle config that adds support for DobbyPluginLa...
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:889
const std::string configJson() const
Get OCI bundle config json as string.
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:452
struct DobbyConfig::_LoopMount LoopMount
Loopmount struct used for Storage plugin.
bool writeConfigJson(const std::string &filePath) const
Writes bundle config string to a file.
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:491
void setPluginHookEntry(rt_defs_hook *entry, const std::string &name, const std::string &configPath)
Populates a hook entry structure with DobbyPluginLauncher data.
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:591
bool addMount(const std::string &source, const std::string &target, const std::string &fsType, unsigned long mountFlags, const std::list< std::string > &mountOptions)
Public api to allow for adding additional mounts.
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:129
bool isApparmorProfileLoaded(const char *profile) const
Check if apparmor profile is loaded.
Definition: DobbyConfig.cpp:782
Network type used for Network plugin.
Definition: DobbyConfig.h:73
The type of dbus to call methods on / emit signals.
Definition: IDobbyIPCUtils.h:60
Definition: DobbyConfig.h:152
Loopmount struct used for Storage plugin.
Definition: DobbyConfig.h:79