Dobby  3.0
Dobby “Docker based Thingy” is a tool for managing and running OCI containers using crun
1 /*
2 * If not stated otherwise in this file or this component's LICENSE file the
3 * following copyright and licenses apply:
4 *
5 * Copyright 2016 Sky UK
6 *
7 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 *
11 *
12 *
13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 * limitations under the License.
18 */
19 /*
20  * File: DobbyUtils.h
21  *
22  */
26 #include "IDobbyIPCUtils.h"
28 #include <IIpcService.h>
30 #include <map>
31 #include <mutex>
32 #include <functional>
34 class DobbyIpcBus;
36 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 class DobbyIPCUtils : public virtual IDobbyIPCUtils
44 {
45 public:
46  DobbyIPCUtils(const std::string &systemDbusAddress,
47  const std::shared_ptr<AI_IPC::IIpcService> &systemIpcService);
48  ~DobbyIPCUtils() final;
50 public:
51  std::shared_ptr<AI_IPC::IAsyncReplyGetter> ipcInvokeMethod(const BusType &bus,
52  const AI_IPC::Method &method,
53  const AI_IPC::VariantList &args,
54  int timeoutMs) const override;
56  bool ipcInvokeMethod(const BusType &bus,
57  const AI_IPC::Method &method,
58  const AI_IPC::VariantList &args,
59  AI_IPC::VariantList &replyArgs) const override;
61  bool ipcEmitSignal(const BusType &bus,
62  const AI_IPC::Signal &signal,
63  const AI_IPC::VariantList &args) const override;
65  bool ipcServiceAvailable(const BusType &bus,
66  const std::string &serviceName) const override;
68  int ipcRegisterServiceHandler(const BusType &bus,
69  const std::string &serviceName,
70  const std::function<void(bool)> &handlerFunc) override;
72  int ipcRegisterSignalHandler(const BusType &bus,
73  const AI_IPC::Signal &signal,
74  const AI_IPC::SignalHandler &handlerFunc) override;
76  void ipcUnregisterHandler(const BusType &bus,
77  int handlerId) override;
79  std::string ipcDbusAddress(const BusType &bus) const override;
81  std::string ipcDbusSocketPath(const BusType &bus) const override;
83 public:
84  bool setAIDbusAddress(bool privateBus, const std::string &address);
86 private:
87  std::shared_ptr<DobbyIpcBus> getIpcBus(const BusType &bus) const;
89  std::map<BusType, std::shared_ptr<DobbyIpcBus>> mIpcBuses;
90 };
92 #endif // !defined(DOBBYIPCUTILS_H)
Utility methods for IPC in Dobby.
Definition: DobbyIPCUtils.h:44
bool ipcServiceAvailable(const BusType &bus, const std::string &serviceName) const override
Queries if the given service is available on the bus.
Definition: DobbyIPCUtils.cpp:339
void ipcUnregisterHandler(const BusType &bus, int handlerId) override
Unregisters either a service or signal handler.
Definition: DobbyIPCUtils.cpp:245
int ipcRegisterSignalHandler(const BusType &bus, const AI_IPC::Signal &signal, const AI_IPC::SignalHandler &handlerFunc) override
Registers a callback function that will be called when the given signal is received on the bus.
Definition: DobbyIPCUtils.cpp:186
bool ipcEmitSignal(const BusType &bus, const AI_IPC::Signal &signal, const AI_IPC::VariantList &args) const override
Sends out a signal over dbus.
Definition: DobbyIPCUtils.cpp:318
bool setAIDbusAddress(bool privateBus, const std::string &address)
Sets the dbus address for one of the AI dbus-daemons.
Definition: DobbyIPCUtils.cpp:95
std::string ipcDbusSocketPath(const BusType &bus) const override
Returns just the path to the socket for the dbus daemon.
Definition: DobbyIPCUtils.cpp:156
std::shared_ptr< DobbyIpcBus > getIpcBus(const BusType &bus) const
Utility function to simply return the bus object associated with the given bus id.
Definition: DobbyIPCUtils.cpp:73
std::string ipcDbusAddress(const BusType &bus) const override
Returns complete address to the dbus daemon.
Definition: DobbyIPCUtils.cpp:134
std::shared_ptr< AI_IPC::IAsyncReplyGetter > ipcInvokeMethod(const BusType &bus, const AI_IPC::Method &method, const AI_IPC::VariantList &args, int timeoutMs) const override
Invokes the ipc method.
Definition: DobbyIPCUtils.cpp:269
int ipcRegisterServiceHandler(const BusType &bus, const std::string &serviceName, const std::function< void(bool)> &handlerFunc) override
Registers a callback function that will be called when the given service is added or removed from the...
Definition: DobbyIPCUtils.cpp:223
Wraps an IPC service object on a given bus.
Definition: DobbyIpcBus.h:58
Definition: IDobbyIPCUtils.h:47
The type of dbus to call methods on / emit signals.
Definition: IDobbyIPCUtils.h:60
Method identified by a service, object, interface and method name itself.
Definition: IpcCommon.h:90
Method identified by object, interface and signal name itself.
Definition: IpcCommon.h:105