Dobby  3.0
Dobby “Docker based Thingy” is a tool for managing and running OCI containers using crun
1 /*
2 * If not stated otherwise in this file or this component's LICENSE file the
3 * following copyright and licenses apply:
4 *
5 * Copyright 2015 Sky UK
6 *
7 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 *
11 *
12 *
13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 * limitations under the License.
18 */
19 /*
20  * File: PollLoop.h
21  *
22  */
23 #ifndef POLLLOOP_H
24 #define POLLLOOP_H
26 #include "IPollLoop.h"
27 #include "SpinLock.h"
29 #include <strings.h>
30 #include <sys/timerfd.h>
32 #include <atomic>
33 #include <thread>
34 #include <string>
35 #include <mutex>
36 #include <list>
37 #include <map>
39 namespace AICommon
40 {
43 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 class PollLoop : public IPollLoop, public std::enable_shared_from_this<PollLoop>
61 {
62 public:
63  PollLoop(const std::string& name, int maxSources = 512, long deferredTimeInterval = 20);
64  virtual ~PollLoop();
66 public:
67  virtual bool start(int priority = -1) override;
68  virtual void stop() override;
70  virtual bool addSource(const std::shared_ptr<IPollSource>& source, int fd, uint32_t events) override;
71  virtual bool modSource(const std::shared_ptr<IPollSource>& source, uint32_t events) override;
72  virtual void delSource(const std::shared_ptr<IPollSource>& source, int fd = -1) override;
73  virtual bool hasSource(const std::shared_ptr<IPollSource>& source) override;
75  virtual std::thread::id threadId() const override;
76  virtual pid_t gettid() const override;
78 private:
79  void init();
80  void run(const std::string& name, int priority);
82  inline void enableDeferredTimer();
83  inline void disableDeferredTimer();
85 private:
86  // The name given to the poll thread
87  const std::string mName;
89  std::thread mEPollThread;
91  // The TID of the poll thread
92  std::atomic<pid_t> mEPollThreadId;
94  // The actual epoll descriptor, on valid when the epoll loop is running
95  int mEPollFd;
97  // The eventfd used to kill the thread (on stop())
98  int mDeathEventFd;
100  // A timerfd that is used to wake up epoll sources that previous asked to
101  // defer their processing
102  int mDeferTimerFd;
104  // The time period that the defer timer fires
105  const struct itimerspec mDeferTimerSpec;
107  // Spinlock protecting access to the source list
108  Spinlock mLock;
110  // The maximum number of sources that can be added to the poll loop
111  const int mMaxSources;
113  // The number of sources that currently have the EPOLLDEFERRED flag set
114  int mDeferredSources;
116 private:
117  typedef struct tagPollSourceWrapper
118  {
119  tagPollSourceWrapper(std::shared_ptr<IPollSource> _source, int _fd, uint32_t _events)
120  : source(_source)
121  , fd(_fd)
122  , events(_events)
123  { }
125  std::weak_ptr<IPollSource> source;
126  int fd;
127  uint32_t events;
131  std::list<PollSourceWrapper> mSources;
132 };
134 } // namespace AICommon
136 #endif // !defined(POLLLOOP_H)
Definition: IPollLoop.h:49
A wrapper around epoll that allows for adding, modifying & deleting of source events.
Definition: PollLoop.h:61
virtual bool addSource(const std::shared_ptr< IPollSource > &source, int fd, uint32_t events) override
Adds a new event source to the poll loop.
Definition: PollLoop.cpp:182
virtual bool start(int priority=-1) override
Starts the poll thread.
Definition: PollLoop.cpp:423
virtual bool hasSource(const std::shared_ptr< IPollSource > &source) override
Returns true if the specified source is currently installed in the pollLoop.
Definition: PollLoop.cpp:391
PollLoop(const std::string &name, int maxSources=512, long deferredTimeInterval=20)
Constructs a poll loop with the given name and restrictions.
Definition: PollLoop.cpp:62
void enableDeferredTimer()
Enables the deferred timer event source.
Definition: PollLoop.cpp:99
virtual ~PollLoop()
Destructs the poll loop, tears down the thread if the loop is running.
Definition: PollLoop.cpp:84
virtual void stop() override
Stops the poll loop thread.
Definition: PollLoop.cpp:546
void run(const std::string &name, int priority)
The poll loop thread function.
Definition: PollLoop.cpp:618
void disableDeferredTimer()
Disables the deferred timer event source.
Definition: PollLoop.cpp:135
virtual pid_t gettid() const override
Returns the linux thread id of the poll loop thread.
Definition: PollLoop.cpp:605
virtual std::thread::id threadId() const override
Returns the thread id of the poll loop thread.
Definition: PollLoop.cpp:593
Definition: SpinLock.h:42