Dobby  3.0
Dobby “Docker based Thingy” is a tool for managing and running OCI containers using crun
DobbyEnv Member List

This is the complete list of members for DobbyEnv, including all inherited members.

Cgroup enum name (defined in IDobbyEnv)IDobbyEnv
cgroupMountPath(Cgroup cgroup) const overrideDobbyEnvvirtual
DobbyEnv(const std::shared_ptr< const IDobbySettings > &settings) (defined in DobbyEnv)DobbyEnvexplicit
flashMountPath() const overrideDobbyEnvvirtual
mCgroupMountPaths (defined in DobbyEnv)DobbyEnvprivate
mFlashMountPath (defined in DobbyEnv)DobbyEnvprivate
mPlatformIdent (defined in DobbyEnv)DobbyEnvprivate
mPluginsWorkspacePath (defined in DobbyEnv)DobbyEnvprivate
mWorkspacePath (defined in DobbyEnv)DobbyEnvprivate
platformIdent() const overrideDobbyEnvvirtual
pluginsWorkspacePath() const overrideDobbyEnvvirtual
workspaceMountPath() const overrideDobbyEnvvirtual
~DobbyEnv() final=default (defined in DobbyEnv)DobbyEnv
~IDobbyEnv()=default (defined in IDobbyEnv)IDobbyEnvvirtual