Dobby  3.0
Dobby “Docker based Thingy” is a tool for managing and running OCI containers using crun
DobbyRootfs Member List

This is the complete list of members for DobbyRootfs, including all inherited members.

dirFd() const (defined in DobbyRootfs)DobbyRootfs
DobbyRootfs(const std::shared_ptr< IDobbyUtils > &utils, const std::shared_ptr< const DobbyBundle > &bundle, const std::shared_ptr< const DobbyBundleConfig > &config)DobbyRootfs
isValid() const (defined in DobbyRootfs)DobbyRootfs
mBundle (defined in DobbyRootfs)DobbyRootfsprivate
mDirFd (defined in DobbyRootfs)DobbyRootfsprivate
mPath (defined in DobbyRootfs)DobbyRootfsprivate
mPersist (defined in DobbyRootfs)DobbyRootfsprivate
mUtilities (defined in DobbyRootfs)DobbyRootfsprivate
path() const (defined in DobbyRootfs)DobbyRootfs
setPersistence(bool persist) (defined in DobbyRootfs)DobbyRootfs
unmountAllAt(const std::string &pathPrefix)DobbyRootfs
~DobbyRootfs() (defined in DobbyRootfs)DobbyRootfs