Dobby  3.0
Dobby “Docker based Thingy” is a tool for managing and running OCI containers using crun
DobbyRunC Member List

This is the complete list of members for DobbyRunC, including all inherited members.

ContainerStatus enum name (defined in DobbyRunC)DobbyRunC
create(const ContainerId &id, const std::shared_ptr< const DobbyBundle > &bundle, const std::shared_ptr< const IDobbyStream > &console, const std::list< int > &files=std::list< int >(), const std::string &customConfigPath="") constDobbyRunC
destroy(const ContainerId &id, const std::shared_ptr< const IDobbyStream > &console, bool force=false) constDobbyRunC
DobbyRunC(const std::shared_ptr< IDobbyUtils > &utils, const std::shared_ptr< const IDobbySettings > &settings) (defined in DobbyRunC)DobbyRunCexplicit
exec(const ContainerId &id, const std::string &options, const std::string &command) constDobbyRunC
forkExecRunC(const std::vector< const char * > &args, const std::initializer_list< const char * > &envs, const std::list< int > &files=std::list< int >(), const std::shared_ptr< const IDobbyStream > &stdoutStream=nullptr, const std::shared_ptr< const IDobbyStream > &stderrStream=nullptr) constDobbyRunCprivate
getContainerStatusFromJson(const Json::Value &state) constDobbyRunCprivate
getWorkingDir() const (defined in DobbyRunC)DobbyRunC
killCont(const ContainerId &id, int signal, bool all=false) constDobbyRunC
list() constDobbyRunC
mConsoleSocket (defined in DobbyRunC)DobbyRunCprivate
mLogDir (defined in DobbyRunC)DobbyRunCprivate
mLogFilePath (defined in DobbyRunC)DobbyRunCprivate
mRuncPath (defined in DobbyRunC)DobbyRunCprivate
mUtilities (defined in DobbyRunC)DobbyRunCprivate
mWorkingDir (defined in DobbyRunC)DobbyRunCprivate
pause(const ContainerId &id) constDobbyRunC
readPidFile(const std::string pidFilePath) constDobbyRunCprivate
resume(const ContainerId &id) constDobbyRunC
run(const ContainerId &id, const std::shared_ptr< const DobbyBundle > &bundle, const std::shared_ptr< const IDobbyStream > &console, const std::list< int > &files=std::list< int >()) constDobbyRunC
start(const ContainerId &id, const std::shared_ptr< const IDobbyStream > &console) constDobbyRunC
state(const ContainerId &id) constDobbyRunC
~DobbyRunC() (defined in DobbyRunC)DobbyRunC