Rialto  0.1
Rialto media pipeline API
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAudioConfigAudio specific configuration
 CCodecDataCodec data with type
 CFractionFraction type
 CIClientLogControlThe definition of the IClientLogControl interface
 CIClientLogControlFactoryIClientLogControl factory class, returns a concrete implementation of IClientLogControl
 CIClientLogHandlerIClientLogHandler allows the user to define their own log handler for any messages generated by the rialto client library
 CIControlThe definition of the IControl interface
 CIControlClientThe Rialto control client interface
 CIControlFactoryIControl factory class, returns a concrete implementation of IControl
 CIMediaKeysThe definition of the IMediaKeys interface
 CIMediaKeysCapabilitiesThe definition of the IMediaKeysCapabilities interface
 CIMediaKeysCapabilitiesFactoryIMediaKeysCapabilities factory class, for getting the IMediaKeysCapabilities singleton object
 CIMediaKeysClientThe definition of the IMediaKeysClient interface
 CIMediaKeysFactoryIMediaKeys factory class, returns a concrete implementation of IMediaKeys
 CIMediaPipelineThe definition of the IMediaPipeline interface
 CMediaSegmentA class that represents a media segment
 CMediaSegmentAudioA class that represents media source audio data
 CMediaSegmentVideoA class that represents media source video data
 CMediaSourceA class that represents a source of media data
 CMediaSourceAudioA class that represents media source audio derived from MediaSource class, which represents the source of media data
 CMediaSourceAVA class that represents media source audio and video derived from MediaSource class, which represents the source of media data
 CMediaSourceSubtitleA class that represents media source subtitle derived from media source video data
 CMediaSourceVideoA class that represents media source video derived from MediaSource class, which represents the source of media data
 CMediaSourceVideoDolbyVisionA class that represents media source video dolby vision derived from media source video data
 CIMediaPipelineCapabilitiesThe definition of the IMediaPipelineCapabilities interface
 CIMediaPipelineCapabilitiesFactoryIMediaPipelineCapabilities factory class, for getting the IMediaPipelineCapabilities object
 CIMediaPipelineClientThe Rialto media player client interface
 CIMediaPipelineFactoryIMediaPipeline factory class, returns a concrete implementation of IMediaPipeline
 CIWebAudioPlayerThe definition of the IWebAudioPlayer interface
 CIWebAudioPlayerClientThe Rialto web audio client interface
 CIWebAudioPlayerFactoryIWebAudioPlayer factory class, returns a concrete implementation of IWebAudioPlayer
 CMediaPlayerShmInfoInformation about the shared memory required for writting data
 CQosInfoThe information provided in a QOS update
 CSubSamplePairA pair describing the clear and encrypted bytes in a sub-sample
 CVideoRequirementsVideo decoder requirements used to allocate a suitable decoder for a MediaPipeline session
 CWebAudioConfigType dependent configuration data
 CWebAudioPcmConfigPcm config information
 CWebAudioShmInfoInformation about the shared memory required for writting data for the web audio playback