Dobby  3.0
Dobby “Docker based Thingy” is a tool for managing and running OCI containers using crun
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
DobbyManager Class Reference

The main object which starts / stops / manages the containers. More...

#include <DobbyManager.h>

Public Types

typedef std::function< void(int32_t cd, const ContainerId &id)> ContainerStartedFunc
typedef std::function< void(int32_t cd, const ContainerId &id, int32_t status)> ContainerStoppedFunc
typedef std::function< void(int32_t cd, const ContainerId &id)> ContainerHibernatedFunc

Public Member Functions

 DobbyManager (const std::shared_ptr< IDobbyEnv > &env, const std::shared_ptr< IDobbyUtils > &utils, const std::shared_ptr< IDobbyIPCUtils > &ipcUtils, const std::shared_ptr< const IDobbySettings > &settings, const ContainerStartedFunc &containerStartedCb, const ContainerStoppedFunc &containerStoppedCb, const ContainerHibernatedFunc &containerHibernatedCb, const ContainerHibernatedFunc &containerAwokenCb)
int32_t startContainerFromBundle (const ContainerId &id, const std::string &bundlePath, const std::list< int > &files, const std::string &command, const std::string &displaySocket, const std::vector< std::string > &envVars)
 Where the magic begins ... attempts to create a container from an OCI bundle*. More...
bool stopContainer (int32_t cd, bool withPrejudice)
 Stops a running container. More...
bool pauseContainer (int32_t cd)
 Freezes a running container. More...
bool resumeContainer (int32_t cd)
 Thaws a frozen container. More...
bool hibernateContainer (int32_t cd, const std::string &options)
 Dumps a running container's processes. More...
bool wakeupContainer (int32_t cd)
 Wakeup a checkpointed container from existing dump. More...
bool addMount (int32_t cd, const std::string &source, const std::string &destination, const std::vector< std::string > &mountFlags, const std::string &mountData)
 adds a mount to a running container More...
bool removeMount (int32_t cd, const std::string &source)
 removes a mount from a running container More...
bool execInContainer (int32_t cd, const std::string &options, const std::string &command)
 Executes a command in a running container. More...
std::list< std::pair< int32_t, ContainerId > > listContainers () const
 Returns a list of all the containers. More...
int32_t stateOfContainer (int32_t cd) const
 Returns the state of a given container. More...
std::string statsOfContainer (int32_t cd) const
 Gets the stats for the container. More...
std::string ociConfigOfContainer (int32_t cd) const
 Debugging method to allow you to retrieve the OCI config.json spec used to create the container. More...

Private Member Functions

void setupSystem ()
 Configures the linux system for enabling features needed for runc. More...
void setupWorkspace (const std::shared_ptr< IDobbyEnv > &env)
 Configures the workspace directory. More...
void cleanupContainers ()
 Gets a list of running containers and tries to kill and delete them. More...
bool cleanupContainer (const DobbyRunC::ContainerListItem &container)
 Cleans up a container that is in an unknown state - used at Dobby startup to ensure the box is in a clean state with no leftover containers. More...
void cleanupContainersShutdown ()
 Gracefully stops and cleans up any running containers. Will emit the container stop event when a container stops. More...
void handleContainerTerminate (const ContainerId &id, const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &container, const int status)
 Perform all the necessary cleanup and run plugins required when a container has terminated. More...
void onChildExit ()
 Called when we detect a child process has terminated. More...
std::shared_ptr< IDobbyRdkLoggingPluginGetContainerLogger (const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &container)
 Get the instance of the logging plugin for the current container (if one is loaded)
bool createAndStart (const ContainerId &id, const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &container, const std::list< int > &files)
 Create and start a container. Set up and capture logs from all container hooks if an RDK logging plugin is loaded. More...
bool customiseConfig (const std::shared_ptr< DobbyConfig > &config, const std::string &command, const std::string &displaySocket, const std::vector< std::string > &envVars)
 Updates the container config with custom options provided by the start command. More...
bool createAndStartContainer (const ContainerId &id, const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &container, const std::list< int > &files)
 Creates and attempts to start the container. More...
bool restartContainer (const ContainerId &id, const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &container)
 Attempts to restart the container. More...
bool onPostInstallationHook (const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &container)
 Called at the post-installation stage of container startup. More...
bool onPreCreationHook (const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &container)
 Called at the pre-create stage of container startup. More...
bool onPostHaltHook (const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &container)
 Called at the post-halt stage of container startup. More...
void startRuncMonitorThread ()
 Starts a thread that monitors for SIGCHILD signals. More...
void stopRuncMonitorThread ()
 Stops the monitor thread and cleans up it's resources.
void runcMonitorThread ()
 Thread function that monitors for any SIGCHILD signals and if detected loops through the running containers to see if it was the runc process that spawned it (i.e. a containered init process)
bool invalidContainerCleanupTask ()
 Task that will try and cleanup invalid/unknown state containers periodically - if the container can be killed then kill it and release the id back to the pool so it can be restarted.
bool shouldEnableSTrace (const std::shared_ptr< DobbyConfig > &config) const

Private Attributes

ContainerStartedFunc mContainerStartedCb
ContainerStoppedFunc mContainerStoppedCb
ContainerHibernatedFunc mContainerHibernatedCb
ContainerHibernatedFunc mContainerAwokenCb
std::mutex mLock
std::map< ContainerId, std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > > mContainers
std::multimap< ContainerId, pid_t > mContainerExecPids
const std::shared_ptr< IDobbyEnvmEnvironment
const std::shared_ptr< IDobbyUtilsmUtilities
const std::shared_ptr< IDobbyIPCUtilsmIPCUtilities
const std::shared_ptr< const IDobbySettingsmSettings
std::unique_ptr< DobbyLoggermLogger
std::unique_ptr< DobbyRunCmRunc
sem_t mRuncMonitorThreadStartedSem
std::thread mRuncMonitorThread
std::atomic< bool > mRuncMonitorTerminate
int mCleanupTaskTimerId

Detailed Description

The main object which starts / stops / manages the containers.

This is where most of the work is done for creating and monitoring containers.!topic/dev/Y7p6YW8zr4s

Member Function Documentation

◆ addMount()

bool DobbyManager::addMount ( int32_t  cd,
const std::string &  source,
const std::string &  destination,
const std::vector< std::string > &  mountFlags,
const std::string &  mountData 

adds a mount to a running container

[in]cdThe descriptor of the container to checkpoint.
[in]sourceThe source path of the mount
[in]destinationThe destination path of the mount
[in]mountFlagsThe mount flags is vector of strings containing the mount flags e.g. "rbind, ro"
[in]mountDataa string containing the mountdata
true if a container was successfully restored.

◆ cleanupContainer()

bool DobbyManager::cleanupContainer ( const DobbyRunC::ContainerListItem container)

Cleans up a container that is in an unknown state - used at Dobby startup to ensure the box is in a clean state with no leftover containers.

[in]containerContainer info returned by crun list command

◆ cleanupContainers()

void DobbyManager::cleanupContainers ( )

Gets a list of running containers and tries to kill and delete them.

Will run the postHalt hook for the container where possible (some hooks might fail as the container bundle cannot be guaranteed to exist at this time)

Designed as a crash-recovery mechanism as we should clean up all our containers if the daemon shut down gracefully

◆ cleanupContainersShutdown()

void DobbyManager::cleanupContainersShutdown ( )

Gracefully stops and cleans up any running containers. Will emit the container stop event when a container stops.

Designed to be called when the daemon is going down (e.g. SIGTERM)

◆ createAndStart()

bool DobbyManager::createAndStart ( const ContainerId id,
const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &  container,
const std::list< int > &  files 

Create and start a container. Set up and capture logs from all container hooks if an RDK logging plugin is loaded.

If container->customConfigFilePath is set, the container will use that config.json file instead of the onein the bundle

[in]idid of the container
[in]containerThe object that wraps up the container details.
[in]filesList of fds to preserve inside the container

◆ createAndStartContainer()

bool DobbyManager::createAndStartContainer ( const ContainerId id,
const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &  container,
const std::list< int > &  files 

Creates and attempts to start the container.

[in]idThe id string for the container.
[in]containerThe object that wraps up the container details.
[in]startStateThe start state object of the files.
[in]commandThe custom command to run instead of the args in the config file
true on success, false on failure.

◆ customiseConfig()

bool DobbyManager::customiseConfig ( const std::shared_ptr< DobbyConfig > &  config,
const std::string &  command,
const std::string &  displaySocket,
const std::vector< std::string > &  envVars 

Updates the container config with custom options provided by the start command.

[in]commandThe custom command to run instead of the args in the config file
[in]displaySocketPath to a westeros socket to mount into the container
[in]envVarsCustom env vars to add to the container
true if modifications were made, false if no changes made

◆ execInContainer()

bool DobbyManager::execInContainer ( int32_t  cd,
const std::string &  options,
const std::string &  command 

Executes a command in a running container.

[in]cdThe descriptor of the container to execute the command in.
[in]commandCommand to be executed.
[in]optionsOptions to execute the command with.
true if a container with a matching descriptor was found and the command was run

◆ handleContainerTerminate()

void DobbyManager::handleContainerTerminate ( const ContainerId id,
const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &  container,
const int  status 

Perform all the necessary cleanup and run plugins required when a container has terminated.

Will also delete the container so the ID can be re-used

[in]idID of the container that has terminated
[in]containerInformation about the container that has terminated (rootfs, config etc)
[in]statusExit status of the container runtime

◆ hibernateContainer()

bool DobbyManager::hibernateContainer ( int32_t  cd,
const std::string &  options 

Dumps a running container's processes.

[in]cdThe descriptor of the container to checkpoint.
[in]optionsAdditional options
true if a container with a matching descriptor was found and its processes were dumped.

◆ listContainers()

std::list< std::pair< int32_t, ContainerId > > DobbyManager::listContainers ( ) const

Returns a list of all the containers.

The returned list contains the id of all the containers we know about in their various states. Just because a container id is in the list it doesn't necessarily mean it's actually running, it could be in either the starting or stopping phase.

See also
DobbyManager::stateOfContainer for a way to retrieve the status of the container.
a list of all the containers.

◆ ociConfigOfContainer()

std::string DobbyManager::ociConfigOfContainer ( int32_t  cd) const

Debugging method to allow you to retrieve the OCI config.json spec used to create the container.

[in]cdThe descriptor of the container to get the config.json of.
the config.json string.

◆ onChildExit()

void DobbyManager::onChildExit ( )

Called when we detect a child process has terminated.

The child process will typically be a runc instance for a container. To check we need to iterate over the pids we know about and check if they have terminated.

This is how we determine when a container dies, we look for the child process death signal.

◆ onPostHaltHook()

bool DobbyManager::onPostHaltHook ( const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &  container)

Called at the post-halt stage of container startup.

Uses the map of rdkPlugin names/data in the container config to determine which plugins to execute. RDK plugins are loaded from disk in the ctor of DobbyContainer if any rdk plugins are required

[in]containerContainer wrapper object for the container to execute the plugins on
true if all required postInstallation hooks were successful

◆ onPostInstallationHook()

bool DobbyManager::onPostInstallationHook ( const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &  container)

Called at the post-installation stage of container startup.

Uses the map of rdkPlugin names/data in the container config to determine which plugins to execute. RDK plugins are loaded from disk in the constructor of DobbyContainer if any rdk plugins are required

[in]containerContainer wrapper object for the container to execute the plugins on
true if all required postInstallation hooks were successful

◆ onPreCreationHook()

bool DobbyManager::onPreCreationHook ( const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &  container)

Called at the pre-create stage of container startup.

Uses the map of rdkPlugin names/data in the container config to determine which plugins to execute. RDK plugins are loaded from disk in the constructor of DobbyContainer if any rdk plugins are required

[in]containerContainer wrapper object for the container to execute the plugins on
true if all required preCreate hooks were successful

◆ pauseContainer()

bool DobbyManager::pauseContainer ( int32_t  cd)

Freezes a running container.

Currently we have no use case for pause/resume containers so the method hasn't been implemented, however when testing manually I've discovered it actually works quite well.

If wanting to have a play you can run the following on the command line

runc --root /var/run/runc pause <id>
[in]cdThe descriptor of the container to pause.
true if a container with a matching descriptor was found and it was frozen.

◆ removeMount()

bool DobbyManager::removeMount ( int32_t  cd,
const std::string &  source 

removes a mount from a running container

[in]cdThe descriptor of the container to checkpoint.
true if a container was successfully restored.

◆ restartContainer()

bool DobbyManager::restartContainer ( const ContainerId id,
const std::unique_ptr< DobbyContainer > &  container 

Attempts to restart the container.

Called internally when we've detected a container shutdown and the config has indicated we should try and auto-restart the container.

From the runc tool's POV this is start of a new container.

Note when restarting, we don't regenerate the rootfs or config.json files for the bundle and the postConstruction hook is not called. However the preStart, postStart and postStop hooks will be called.

Any file descriptors that were passed into the container when it was first launched will be passed in again. The DobbyContainer object will have stored them when the container was created the first time.

this function is called from the thread that monitors the child pids, not the main thread, however it is called with mLock held.
[in]idThe id of the container to re-start.
[in]containerThe container object storing the container details.
true if runc executed the request, however this doesn't necessarily mean the container is up and running successfully.

◆ resumeContainer()

bool DobbyManager::resumeContainer ( int32_t  cd)

Thaws a frozen container.

[in]cdThe descriptor of the container to resume.
true if a container with a matching descriptor was found and it was resumed.

◆ setupSystem()

void DobbyManager::setupSystem ( )

Configures the linux system for enabling features needed for runc.

This method is equivalent to performing the following on the cmdline

ulimit -c unlimited

echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

See the comments in the code for why each step is needed

◆ setupWorkspace()

void DobbyManager::setupWorkspace ( const std::shared_ptr< IDobbyEnv > &  env)

Configures the workspace directory.

The supplied path will be created if it doesn't exist. It should be on writable mount point with an adequate amount of space available.

The workspace is where bundle directories are created for each container and also where various temporary files are created. However the runc tool doesn't use it and log files are written to /var/log/...

TODO: show tree of workspace layout

[in]pathThe absolute path to the workspace

◆ startContainerFromBundle()

int32_t DobbyManager::startContainerFromBundle ( const ContainerId id,
const std::string &  bundlePath,
const std::list< int > &  files,
const std::string &  command,
const std::string &  displaySocket,
const std::vector< std::string > &  envVars 

Where the magic begins ... attempts to create a container from an OCI bundle*.

[in]idThe id string for the container
[in]bundlePathThe absolute path to the OCI bundle*
[in]filesA list of file descriptors to pass into the container, can be empty.
[in]commandThe custom command to run instead of the args in the config file (optional)
a container descriptor, which is just a unique number that identifies the container.

◆ startRuncMonitorThread()

void DobbyManager::startRuncMonitorThread ( )

Starts a thread that monitors for SIGCHILD signals.

This thread is used to determine when one of our spawned child runc processes has died.

Failure to create the thread should be considered fatal.

true on success, false on failure.

◆ stateOfContainer()

int32_t DobbyManager::stateOfContainer ( int32_t  cd) const

Returns the state of a given container.

[in]cdThe descriptor of the container to get the state of.
one of the possible state values.

◆ statsOfContainer()

std::string DobbyManager::statsOfContainer ( int32_t  cd) const

Gets the stats for the container.

This is primarily a debugging method, used to get statistics on the container and roughly correlates to the 'runc events –stats <id>' call.

The reply is a json formatted string containing some info, it's form may change over time.

    "id": "blah",
    "state": "running",
    "timestamp": 348134887768,
    "pids": [ 1234, 1245 ],
    "cpu": {
        "usage": {
        "user": {
        "memory": {
[in]cdThe container descriptor
Json formatted string with the info for the container, on failure an empty string.

◆ stopContainer()

bool DobbyManager::stopContainer ( int32_t  cd,
bool  withPrejudice 

Stops a running container.

If withPrejudice is not specified (the default) then we send the init process within the container a SIGTERM.

If the withPrejudice is true then we use the SIGKILL signal.

This call is asynchronous, i.e. it is a request to stop rather than a blocking call that ensures the container is stopped before returning.

The mContainerStoppedCb callback will be called when the container has actually been torn down.

[in]cdThe descriptor of the container to stop.
[in]withPrejudiceIf true the container process is killed with SIGKILL, otherwise SIGTERM is used.
true if a container with a matching id was found and a signal sent successfully to it.

◆ wakeupContainer()

bool DobbyManager::wakeupContainer ( int32_t  cd)

Wakeup a checkpointed container from existing dump.

[in]cdThe descriptor of the container to checkpoint.
true if a container was successfully restored.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: