Dobby  3.0
Dobby “Docker based Thingy” is a tool for managing and running OCI containers using crun
Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Static Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
DobbyUtils Class Reference

Utility methods for hooks and the general containiser daemon. More...

#include <DobbyUtils.h>

Inheritance diagram for DobbyUtils:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for DobbyUtils:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int loopDeviceAssociate (int fileFd, std::string *loopDevPath) const override
 Associates a give file descriptor with a loop device. More...
bool checkExtImageFile (int dirFd, const std::string &imageFileName, bool repair) const override
 Runs the e2fsck tool on a file system image to check it's integrity. More...
bool formatExtImageFile (int dirFd, const std::string &imageFileName, const std::string &fsType) const override
 Runs the mke2fs tool to format a file system image. More...
bool mkdirRecursive (const std::string &path, mode_t mode) const override
 Makes a directory and all parent directories as needed. More...
bool mkdirRecursive (int dirFd, const std::string &path, mode_t mode) const override
 Makes a directory and all parent directories as needed. More...
bool rmdirRecursive (const std::string &path) const override
 Removes a directory and all it's contents. More...
bool rmdirRecursive (int dirFd, const std::string &path) const override
 Removes a directory and all it's contents. More...
bool rmdirContents (const std::string &path) const override
 Removes the contents of a directory but leave the actual directory in place. More...
bool rmdirContents (int dirFd, const std::string &path) const override
 Removes the contents of a directory but leave the actual directory in place. More...
bool rmdirContents (int dirFd) const override
void cleanMountLostAndFound (const std::string &mountPoint, const std::string &logTag) const override
 Logs and deletes any files found in the lost+found directory of the mount point. More...
int getNamespaceFd (pid_t pid, int nsType) const override
 Returns a file descriptor to the given namespace of the process. More...
bool writeTextFileAt (int dirFd, const std::string &path, const std::string &str, int flags, mode_t mode) const override
 Simply writes a string into a file. More...
bool writeTextFile (const std::string &path, const std::string &str, int flags, mode_t mode) const override
 Simply writes a string into a file. More...
std::string readTextFile (const std::string &path, size_t maxLen) const override
 Simply read a string from a file. More...
std::string readTextFileAt (int dirFd, const std::string &path, size_t maxLen) const override
 Simply read a string from a file. More...
bool cancelTimer (int timerId) const override
 Removes the given timer from the timer queue. More...
unsigned int getDriverMajorNumber (const std::string &driverName) const override
 Returns the major number assigned to a given driver. More...
bool deviceAllowed (dev_t device) const override
 Returns true if the given device is allowed in the container. More...
void setIntegerMetaData (const ContainerId &id, const std::string &key, int value) override
 Sets / Gets integer meta data for the given container. More...
int getIntegerMetaData (const ContainerId &id, const std::string &key, int defaultValue) const override
void setStringMetaData (const ContainerId &id, const std::string &key, const std::string &value) override
 Sets / Gets string meta data for the given container. More...
std::string getStringMetaData (const ContainerId &id, const std::string &key, const std::string &defaultValue) const override
void clearContainerMetaData (const ContainerId &id) override
 Clears all the meta data stored for a given container. More...
bool insertEbtablesRule (const std::string &args) const override
 Inserts the given ebtables rule to the existing set. More...
bool deleteEbtablesRule (const std::string &args) const override
 Deletes the given ebtables rule from the existing set. More...
uid_t getUID (pid_t pid) const override
 Returns the UID for the given PID. More...
gid_t getGID (pid_t pid) const override
 Returns the GID for the given PID. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IDobbyUtils_v3
virtual bool mkdirRecursive (const std::string &path, mode_t mode) const=0
 Makes a directory and all parent directories as needed. More...
virtual bool mkdirRecursive (int dirFd, const std::string &path, mode_t mode) const=0
virtual bool rmdirRecursive (const std::string &path) const=0
 Removes a directory and all it's contents. More...
virtual bool rmdirRecursive (int dirFd, const std::string &path) const=0
virtual bool rmdirContents (const std::string &path) const=0
 Removes the contents of a directory but leave the actual directory in place. More...
virtual bool rmdirContents (int dirFd, const std::string &path) const=0
virtual bool rmdirContents (int dirFd) const=0
virtual int loopDeviceAssociate (int fileFd, std::string *loopDevPath=nullptr) const=0
 Associates a give file descriptor with a loop device. More...
virtual bool checkExtImageFile (int dirFd, const std::string &imageFileName, bool repair=true) const=0
 Runs the e2fsck tool on a file system image to check it's integrity. More...
virtual bool formatExtImageFile (int dirFd, const std::string &imageFileName, const std::string &fsType="ext4") const=0
 Runs the mke2fs tool to format a file system image. More...
virtual void cleanMountLostAndFound (const std::string &mountPoint, const std::string &logTag=std::string()) const=0
 Logs and deletes any files found in the lost+found directory of the mount point. More...
virtual bool writeTextFile (const std::string &path, const std::string &str, int flags, mode_t mode=0644) const=0
 Simply writes a string into a file. More...
virtual bool writeTextFileAt (int dirFd, const std::string &path, const std::string &str, int flags, mode_t mode=0644) const=0
virtual std::string readTextFile (const std::string &path, size_t maxLen=4096) const=0
 Simply read a string from a file. More...
virtual std::string readTextFileAt (int dirFd, const std::string &path, size_t maxLen=4096) const=0
virtual int getNamespaceFd (pid_t pid, int nsType) const=0
 Returns a file descriptor to the given namespace of the process. More...
virtual bool cancelTimer (int timerId) const=0
 Removes the given timer from the timer queue. More...
virtual unsigned int getDriverMajorNumber (const std::string &driverName) const=0
 Returns the major number assigned to a given driver. More...
virtual bool deviceAllowed (dev_t device) const=0
 Returns true if the given device is allowed in the container. More...
bool deviceAllowed (unsigned int major, unsigned int minor) const
virtual gid_t getGID (pid_t pid) const=0
 Returns the GID for the given PID. More...
virtual uid_t getUID (pid_t pid) const=0
 Returns the UID for the given PID. More...
virtual void setIntegerMetaData (const ContainerId &id, const std::string &key, int value)=0
 Sets / Gets integer meta data for the given container. More...
virtual int getIntegerMetaData (const ContainerId &id, const std::string &key, int defaultValue) const=0
int getIntegerMetaData (const ContainerId &id, const std::string &key)
virtual void setStringMetaData (const ContainerId &id, const std::string &key, const std::string &value)=0
 Sets / Gets string meta data for the given container. More...
virtual std::string getStringMetaData (const ContainerId &id, const std::string &key, const std::string &defaultValue) const=0
std::string getStringMetaData (const ContainerId &id, const std::string &key)
virtual void clearContainerMetaData (const ContainerId &id)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from IDobbyUtils_v2
int getIntegerMetaData (const ContainerId &id, const std::string &key)
std::string getStringMetaData (const ContainerId &id, const std::string &key)
virtual bool mkdirRecursive (const std::string &path, mode_t mode) const=0
 Makes a directory and all parent directories as needed. More...
virtual bool mkdirRecursive (int dirFd, const std::string &path, mode_t mode) const=0
virtual bool rmdirRecursive (const std::string &path) const=0
 Removes a directory and all it's contents. More...
virtual bool rmdirRecursive (int dirFd, const std::string &path) const=0
virtual bool rmdirContents (const std::string &path) const=0
 Removes the contents of a directory but leave the actual directory in place. More...
virtual bool rmdirContents (int dirFd, const std::string &path) const=0
virtual bool rmdirContents (int dirFd) const=0
virtual int loopDeviceAssociate (int fileFd, std::string *loopDevPath=nullptr) const=0
 Associates a give file descriptor with a loop device. More...
virtual bool checkExtImageFile (int dirFd, const std::string &imageFileName, bool repair=true) const=0
 Runs the e2fsck tool on a file system image to check it's integrity. More...
virtual bool formatExtImageFile (int dirFd, const std::string &imageFileName, const std::string &fsType="ext4") const=0
 Runs the mke2fs tool to format a file system image. More...
virtual void cleanMountLostAndFound (const std::string &mountPoint, const std::string &logTag=std::string()) const=0
 Logs and deletes any files found in the lost+found directory of the mount point. More...
virtual bool writeTextFile (const std::string &path, const std::string &str, int flags, mode_t mode=0644) const=0
 Simply writes a string into a file. More...
virtual bool writeTextFileAt (int dirFd, const std::string &path, const std::string &str, int flags, mode_t mode=0644) const=0
virtual std::string readTextFile (const std::string &path, size_t maxLen=4096) const=0
 Simply read a string from a file. More...
virtual std::string readTextFileAt (int dirFd, const std::string &path, size_t maxLen=4096) const=0
virtual int getNamespaceFd (pid_t pid, int nsType) const=0
 Returns a file descriptor to the given namespace of the process. More...
virtual bool cancelTimer (int timerId) const=0
 Removes the given timer from the timer queue. More...
virtual unsigned int getDriverMajorNumber (const std::string &driverName) const=0
 Returns the major number assigned to a given driver. More...
virtual bool deviceAllowed (dev_t device) const=0
 Returns true if the given device is allowed in the container. More...
bool deviceAllowed (unsigned int major, unsigned int minor) const
virtual gid_t getGID (pid_t pid) const=0
 Returns the GID for the given PID. More...
virtual uid_t getUID (pid_t pid) const=0
 Returns the UID for the given PID. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IDobbyUtils_v1
template<class Function >
bool callInNamespace (pid_t pid, int nsType, Function func) const
 Calls the given function in the namespace of given pid. More...
template<class Function , class... Args>
bool callInNamespace (pid_t pid, int nsType, Function &&f, Args &&... args) const
 Slightly nicer version of callInNamespace, handles the function bind for you automatically. More...
template<class Rep , class Period >
int startTimer (const std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > &timeout, bool oneShot, const std::function< bool()> &handler) const
 Adds a new timer to the timer queue. More...
template<class Function >
bool callInNamespace (int namespaceFd, Function func) const
 Call the given function in the namespace of the descriptor. More...
template<class Function , class... Args>
bool callInNamespace (int namespaceFd, Function &&f, Args &&... args) const
bool deviceAllowed (unsigned int major, unsigned int minor) const

Private Member Functions

int openLoopDevice (std::string *loopDevice) const
 Attempts to open an available loop device. More...
bool attachFileToLoopDevice (int loopFd, int fileFd) const
 Attempts to attach the file to the loop device. More...
int runE2fsTool (int dirFd, std::list< std::string > *consoleOutput, const char *e2fsTool,...) const
 Run the E2FS tool inside the given directory with given args. More...
bool callInNamespaceImpl (pid_t pid, int nsType, const std::function< bool()> &func) const override
 Utility function to run some code in a specific namespace of the container. More...
bool callInNamespaceImpl (int namespaceFd, const std::function< bool()> &func) const override
 Utility function to run some code in a specific namespace of the container. More...
void nsThread (int newNsFd, int nsType, bool *success, std::function< bool()> &func) const
 Thread helper function that implements the setns syscall. More...
int startTimerImpl (const std::chrono::milliseconds &timeout, bool oneShot, const std::function< bool()> &handler) const override
 Adds a new timer to the timer queue. More...
void buildDeviceWhitelist ()
 Builds the whitelist of allowed device numbers. More...
bool executeCommand (const std::string &command) const
int getGIDorUID (pid_t pid, const std::string &idType) const
 Returns the effective GID or UID for the given PID by parsing /proc/<PID>/status. More...

Static Private Member Functions

static bool deleteRecursive (int dirfd, int depth)
 Recursive function that deletes everything within the supplied directory (as a descriptor).

Private Attributes

std::shared_ptr< DobbyTimermTimerQueue
std::set< dev_t > mDeviceWhitelist
std::mutex mMajorNumberLock
std::map< std::string, unsigned int > mMajorNumberCache
std::mutex mMetaDataLock
std::map< std::pair< ContainerId, std::string >, int > mIntegerMetaData
std::map< std::pair< ContainerId, std::string >, std::string > mStringMetaData

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

Utility methods for hooks and the general containiser daemon.

See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ attachFileToLoopDevice()

bool DobbyUtils::attachFileToLoopDevice ( int  loopFd,
int  fileFd 
) const

Attempts to attach the file to the loop device.

on success a positive file desccriptor corresponding to a free loop device, -1 on error.

◆ buildDeviceWhitelist()

void DobbyUtils::buildDeviceWhitelist ( )

Builds the whitelist of allowed device numbers.

At the moment only the following devices are added: hidraw, 0 - 100 input, 64 - 95

The list is exclusive of the opengl / graphics device nodes and the set of 'standard' device nodes.

◆ callInNamespaceImpl() [1/2]

bool DobbyUtils::callInNamespaceImpl ( int  namespaceFd,
const std::function< bool()> &  func 
) const

Utility function to run some code in a specific namespace of the container.

This function uses the setns syscall and therefore it must spawn a thread to run the callback in. However this function blocks until the thread completes, so although it is multi-threaded it's API is blocking, i.e. effectively single threaded.

[in]namespaceFdThe fd of the namespace to enter.
[in]nsTypeThe namespace to run the function in, see above.
[in]funcThe function to execute.
true if successifully entered the namespace, otherwise false.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ callInNamespaceImpl() [2/2]

bool DobbyUtils::callInNamespaceImpl ( pid_t  pid,
int  nsType,
const std::function< bool()> &  func 
) const

Utility function to run some code in a specific namespace of the container.

This function uses the setns syscall and therefore it must spawn a thread to run the callback in. However this function blocks until the thread completes, so although it is multi-threaded it's API is blocking, i.e. effectively single threaded.

The nsType argument should be one of the following values: CLONE_NEWIPC - run in a IPC namespace CLONE_NEWNET - run in a network namespace CLONE_NEWNS - run in a mount namespace CLONE_NEWPID - run in a PID namespace CLONE_NEWUSER - run in a user namespace CLONE_NEWUTS - run in a UTS namespace

[in]pidThe pid of the process namespace to enter.
[in]nsTypeThe namespace to run the function in, see above.
[in]funcThe function to execute.
true if successifully entered the namespace, otherwise false.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ cancelTimer()

bool DobbyUtils::cancelTimer ( int  timerId) const

Removes the given timer from the timer queue.

Once this method returns (successfully) you are guaranteed that the timer handler will not be called, i.e. this is synchronisation point.

This method will fail if called from the context of a timer handler, if you want to cancel a repeating timer then just return false in the handler.

[in]timerIdThe id of the timer to cancel as returned by the startTimer() method.
true if the timer was found and was removed from the queue, otherwise false

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ checkExtImageFile()

bool DobbyUtils::checkExtImageFile ( int  dirFd,
const std::string &  imageFileName,
bool  repair 
) const

Runs the e2fsck tool on a file system image to check it's integrity.

This function does a fork/exec to launch the process, it drops root privileges and runs the tool as user 1000:1000, therefore the file that is being checked should be readable and writeble by user 1000.

If this function returns false the image file should probably be deleted / reformatted.

[in]dirFdThe fd of the directory containing the image to check. The function will switch to this directory before dropping permissions (provided it's not AT_FCWD).
[in]imageFileNameThe name of the file to check.
[in]repairIf true we'll ask the tool to try and repair the file if it detects any errors.
if the file passes the check (or was successifully repaired) true is returned, otherwise false.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ cleanMountLostAndFound()

void DobbyUtils::cleanMountLostAndFound ( const std::string &  mountPoint,
const std::string &  logTag 
) const

Logs and deletes any files found in the lost+found directory of the mount point.

We should be clearing the lost+found to avoid cruft building up and taking all the space in the loop mount.

[in]mountPointThe absolute path to the mounted device, NOT the the location of the lost+found dir.
[in]logTagIf not empty then a log warning message will be printed containing the name of the file that was deleted and referencing the the string in logTag.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ clearContainerMetaData()

void DobbyUtils::clearContainerMetaData ( const ContainerId id)

Clears all the meta data stored for a given container.

This is called by the DobbyManager when a container is starting or has just stopped.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v2.

◆ deleteEbtablesRule()

bool DobbyUtils::deleteEbtablesRule ( const std::string &  args) const

Deletes the given ebtables rule from the existing set.

This only performs a delete, if the a rule is not currently installed then false is returned

[in]argsThe set of one rule to remove.
true if the rules were removed, otherwise false.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v3.

◆ deviceAllowed()

bool DobbyUtils::deviceAllowed ( dev_t  device) const

Returns true if the given device is allowed in the container.

This is here for security reasons as I didn't want just any device added to the container whitelist. If we trust the code on the other end of Dobby that is creating the containers then this is not needed, but just in case that got hacked I didn't want people to create containers enabling access to CDI / system device nodes.

This method doesn't take into account drivers being insmod / rmmod and the re-use of major numbers, however if a user could do that then this check is the least of our problems.
[in]deviceThe device number.
true if the device is allowed, otherwise false.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ formatExtImageFile()

bool DobbyUtils::formatExtImageFile ( int  dirFd,
const std::string &  imageFileName,
const std::string &  fsType 
) const

Runs the mke2fs tool to format a file system image.

This function does a fork/exec to launch the process, it drops root privileges and runs the tool as user 1000:1000, therefore the file that it's formatting should be readable and writeble by user 1000.

[in]dirFdThe fd of the directory containing theimage to write. The function will switch to this directory before dropping permissions (provided it's not AT_FCWD).
[in]imageFileNameThe name of the file to format, it must already exist.
[in]fsTypeThe ext version to format the file as, this is equivalent to the '-t' option and should be one of; 'ext2', 'ext3' or 'ext4'
on success returns true on failure false.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ getDriverMajorNumber()

unsigned int DobbyUtils::getDriverMajorNumber ( const std::string &  driverName) const

Returns the major number assigned to a given driver.

This function tries to find the major number assigned to a given driver, it does this by parsing the /proc/devices file.

Currently this function doesn't work for 'misc' devices, which are devices listed by /proc/misc.
[in]driverNameThe name of the driver to get the major number for.
if found the major number is returned, if not found then 0 is returned.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ getGID()

gid_t DobbyUtils::getGID ( pid_t  pid) const

Returns the GID for the given PID.

[in]pidThe PID of the process to get the GID for
the GID of the process, or -1 if the GID could not be found

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ getGIDorUID()

int DobbyUtils::getGIDorUID ( pid_t  pid,
const std::string &  idType 
) const

Returns the effective GID or UID for the given PID by parsing /proc/<PID>/status.

[in]pidThe PID of the process to get the GID for
[in]idTypeThe type of ID to get, either "Gid" or "Uid"
the GID or UID of the process, or -1 if the ID could not be found

◆ getNamespaceFd()

int DobbyUtils::getNamespaceFd ( pid_t  pid,
int  nsType 
) const

Returns a file descriptor to the given namespace of the process.

The caller is responsible for closing the returned file descriptor when it is no longer required.

The returned namespace can used in the setns(...) call, or other calls that enter / manipulate namespaces.

[in]pidThe pid of the process to get the namespace of.
[in]nsTypeThe type of namespace to get, it should be one of the CLONE_NEWxxx constants, see the setns man page for possible values.
on success the file descriptor to the given namespace, on failure -1

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ getUID()

uid_t DobbyUtils::getUID ( pid_t  pid) const

Returns the UID for the given PID.

[in]pidThe PID of the process to get the UID for
the UID of the process, or -1 if the UID could not be found

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ insertEbtablesRule()

bool DobbyUtils::insertEbtablesRule ( const std::string &  args) const

Inserts the given ebtables rule to the existing set.

This doesn't flush out any old rules, it just adds the new one at the beginning of the table.

[in]argsThe args of one rule to add.
true if the rule was added, otherwise false.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v3.

◆ loopDeviceAssociate()

int DobbyUtils::loopDeviceAssociate ( int  fileFd,
std::string *  loopDevPath 
) const

Associates a give file descriptor with a loop device.

First the function attempts to get a free loop device, if that succeeds it attaches the supplied file descriptor to it and returns an fd to the loop device and (optionally) writes the path to the loop device in the loopDevPath string.

[in]fileFdAn open file descriptor to associate with the loop device.
[out]loopDevPathIf not null, the method will write the path to the loop device dev node into the string
on success returns the open file descriptor to the loop device associated with the file, on failure -1.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ mkdirRecursive() [1/2]

bool DobbyUtils::mkdirRecursive ( const std::string &  path,
mode_t  mode 
) const

Makes a directory and all parent directories as needed.

This is equivalent to the 'mkdir -p <dir>' command.

All directories created will have access mode set by mode, for this reason the mode should be at least 'rwx---—'.

If the pathname given in pathname is relative, then it is interpreted relative to the directory referred to by the file descriptor dirFd, if dirFd is not supplied then it's relative to the cwd.

[in]dirFdIf specified the path should be relative to to this directory.
[in]pathThe path to the directory to create.
[in]modeThe file access mode to give to all directories created.
true on success, false on failure.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ mkdirRecursive() [2/2]

bool DobbyUtils::mkdirRecursive ( int  dirFd,
const std::string &  path,
mode_t  mode 
) const

Makes a directory and all parent directories as needed.

This is equivalent to the 'mkdir -p' command.

All directories created will have access mode set by mode, for this reason the mode should be at least 'rwx---—'.

If the pathname given in path is relative, then it is interpreted relative to the directory referred to by the file descriptor dirFd, if dirFd is not supplied then it's relative to the cwd.

[in]dirFdIf specified the path should be relative to to this directory.
[in]pathThe path to the directory to create.
[in]modeThe file access mode to give to all directories created.
true on success, false on failure.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ nsThread()

void DobbyUtils::nsThread ( int  newNsFd,
int  nsType,
bool *  success,
std::function< bool()> &  func 
) const

Thread helper function that implements the setns syscall.

This must be executed as a thread as it calls setns which switches namespaces and you don't really want to do this in the main thread.

[in]newNsFdThe namespace to switch into.
[in]funcThe function to execute in the new namespace.
true if successifully entered the namespace, otherwise false.

◆ openLoopDevice()

int DobbyUtils::openLoopDevice ( std::string *  loopDevice) const

Attempts to open an available loop device.

on success a positive file desccriptor corresponding to a free loop device, -1 on error.

◆ readTextFile()

std::string DobbyUtils::readTextFile ( const std::string &  path,
size_t  maxLen 
) const

Simply read a string from a file.

Not much more to say really.

If the pathname given in filePath is relative, then it is interpreted relative to the directory referred to by the file descriptor dirFd, if dirFd is not supplied then it's relative to the cwd.

[in]dirFdIf specified the path should be relative to to this directory.
[in]pathThe path to file to write to.
[in]maxLenThe maximum number of characters to read, defaults to 4096.
the string read from the file, on failure an empty string.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ readTextFileAt()

std::string DobbyUtils::readTextFileAt ( int  dirFd,
const std::string &  path,
size_t  maxLen 
) const

Simply read a string from a file.

Not much more to say really.

If the pathname given in filePath is relative, then it is interpreted relative to the directory referred to by the file descriptor dirFd, if dirFd is not supplied then it's relative to the cwd.

[in]dirFdIf specified the path should be relative to to this directory.
[in]pathThe path to file to write to.
[in]maxLenThe maximum number of characters to read, defaults to 4096.
the string read from the file, on failure an empty string.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ rmdirContents() [1/2]

bool DobbyUtils::rmdirContents ( const std::string &  path) const

Removes the contents of a directory but leave the actual directory in place.

This is equivalent to the 'rm -rf <dir>/ *' command.

If the pathname given in pathname is relative, then it is interpreted relative to the directory referred to by the file descriptor dirFd, if dirFd is not supplied then it's relative to the cwd.

This function only supports deleting directories with contents that are less than 128 levels deep, this is to avoid running out of file descriptors.
[in]dirFdIf specified the path should be relative to to this directory.
[in]pathThe path to the directory to create.
[in]modeThe file access mode to give to all directories created.
true on success, false on failure.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ rmdirContents() [2/2]

bool DobbyUtils::rmdirContents ( int  dirFd,
const std::string &  path 
) const

Removes the contents of a directory but leave the actual directory in place.

This is equivalent to the 'cd <dir>; rm -rf *' command.

If the pathname given in path is relative, then it is interpreted relative to the directory referred to by the file descriptor dirFd, if dirFd is not supplied then it's relative to the cwd.

This function only supports deleting directories with contents that are less than 128 levels deep, this is to avoid running out of file descriptors.
[in]dirFdIf specified the path should be relative to to this directory.
[in]pathThe path to the directory to create.
[in]modeThe file access mode to give to all directories created.
true on success, false on failure.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ rmdirRecursive() [1/2]

bool DobbyUtils::rmdirRecursive ( const std::string &  path) const

Removes a directory and all it's contents.

This is equivalent to the 'rm -rf <dir>' command.

If the pathname given in pathname is relative, then it is interpreted relative to the directory referred to by the file descriptor dirFd, if dirFd is not supplied then it's relative to the cwd.

This function only supports deleting directories with contents that are less than 128 levels deep, this is to avoid running out of file descriptors.
[in]dirFdIf specified the path should be relative to to this directory.
[in]pathThe path to the directory to create.
[in]modeThe file access mode to give to all directories created.
true on success, false on failure.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ rmdirRecursive() [2/2]

bool DobbyUtils::rmdirRecursive ( int  dirFd,
const std::string &  path 
) const

Removes a directory and all it's contents.

This is equivalent to the 'rm -rf' command.

If the pathname given in pathname is relative, then it is interpreted relative to the directory referred to by the file descriptor dirFd, if dirFd is not supplied then it's relative to the cwd.

This function only supports deleting directories with contents that are less than 128 levels deep, this is to avoid running out of file descriptors.
[in]dirFdIf specified the path should be relative to to this directory.
[in]pathThe path to the directory to create.
[in]modeThe file access mode to give to all directories created.
true on success, false on failure.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ runE2fsTool()

int DobbyUtils::runE2fsTool ( int  dirFd,
std::list< std::string > *  consoleOutput,
const char *  e2fsTool,
) const

Run the E2FS tool inside the given directory with given args.

This function does a fork/exec to launch the process, it drops root privileges and runs the tool as user 1000:1000, therefore the file that is being checked should be readable and writeble by user 1000.

If this function returns false the image file should probably be deleted / reformatted.

[in]dirFdThe fd of the directory containing the image to check. The function will switch to this directory before dropping permissions (provided it's not AT_FCWD).
[out]consoleOutputString list to store the lines of output from the tool.
[in]e2fsToolThe tool to run, should be either "e2fsck" or "mke2fs".
[in]...Extra arguments to supply to the tool.
if the file passes the check (or was successifully repaired) true is returned, otherwise false.

◆ setIntegerMetaData()

void DobbyUtils::setIntegerMetaData ( const ContainerId id,
const std::string &  key,
int  value 

Sets / Gets integer meta data for the given container.

You can use this to share meta data about the container across different plugins. For example if network namespaces are enabled.

The data is cleared automatically when the container is shutdown.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v2.

◆ setStringMetaData()

void DobbyUtils::setStringMetaData ( const ContainerId id,
const std::string &  key,
const std::string &  value 

Sets / Gets string meta data for the given container.

You can use this to share meta data about the container across different plugins. For example the ip address assigned to the container.

The data is cleared automatically when the container is shutdown.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v2.

◆ startTimerImpl()

int DobbyUtils::startTimerImpl ( const std::chrono::milliseconds &  timeout,
bool  oneShot,
const std::function< bool()> &  handler 
) const

Adds a new timer to the timer queue.

The handler function will be called after the timeout period and then if oneShot is false periodically at the given timeout interval.

The handler will be called from the context of the timer queue, bare in mind for any locking restrictions.

A timer can be cancelled by either calling cancelTimer() or returning false from the handler. One shot timers are automatically removed after they are fired, there is not need to call cancelTimer() for them.

[in]timeoutThe time after which to call the supplied handler.
[in]oneShotIf true the timer is automatically removed after it times out the first time.
[in]handlerThe handler function to call when the timer times out.
on success returns a (greater than zero) timer id integer which identifies the timer, on failure -1 is returned.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ writeTextFile()

bool DobbyUtils::writeTextFile ( const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  str,
int  flags,
mode_t  mode 
) const

Simply writes a string into a file.

Not much more to say really.

If the pathname given in filePath is relative, then it is interpreted relative to the directory referred to by the file descriptor dirFd, if dirFd is not supplied then it's relative to the cwd.

[in]dirFdIf specified the path should be relative to to this directory.
[in]pathThe path to file to write to.
[in]flagsOpen flags, these will be OR'd with O_WRONLY and O_CLOEXEC.
[in]modeThe file access mode to set if O_CREAT was specified in flags and the file was created.
true on success, false on failure.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

◆ writeTextFileAt()

bool DobbyUtils::writeTextFileAt ( int  dirFd,
const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  str,
int  flags,
mode_t  mode 
) const

Simply writes a string into a file.

Not much more to say really.

If the pathname given in filePath is relative, then it is interpreted relative to the directory referred to by the file descriptor dirFd, if dirFd is not supplied then it's relative to the cwd.

[in]dirFdIf specified the path should be relative to to this directory.
[in]pathThe path to file to write to.
[in]flagsOpen flags, these will be OR'd with O_WRONLY and O_CLOEXEC.
[in]modeThe file access mode to set if O_CREAT was specified in flags and the file was created.
true on success, false on failure.

Implements IDobbyUtils_v1.

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