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The advertisement skip restriction.

Applies to fast-forward/rewind (e.g. trick mode), seeking over an entire opportunity (e.g. jump), seeking out of what’s currently playing, and “Skip this ad…” features. Seeking over multiple ad opportunities only requires playback of the last opportunity, not all opportunities, preceding the seek destination.

Value Description
none No fast-forward, jump, or skip restrictions
adsUnwatched Restrict fast-forward, jump, and skip for unwatched ad opportunities only.
adsAll Restrict fast-forward, jump, and skip for all ad opportunities
all Restrict fast-forward, jump, and skip for all ad opportunities and all content

Namespace: xrn:advertising:policy:skipRestriction:

SkipRestriction: {
    NONE: 'none',
    ADS_UNWATCHED: 'adsUnwatched',
    ADS_ALL: 'adsAll',
    ALL: 'all',