Document Status: Proposed Specification

See Firebolt Requirements Governance for more info.

Contributor Organization
Jeremy LaCivita Comcast
Lucien Kennedy-Lamb Sky

1. Overview

This document describes the requirements for managing HDMI inputs on a Firebolt device. hese APIs are for managing the HMDI inputs of a device. All TVs have HDMI inputs, whereas only certain STBs have HDMI inputs.

This document is written using the IETF Best Common Practice 14, specifically:

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

2. Table of Contents

The ports API MUST return an array of HDMIInputPort objects.

An example response:

        "port": "HDMI1",
        "connected": true,
        "signal": "unknown",
        "arcCapable": true,
        "arcConnected": true,
        "autoLowLatencyModeCapable": true,
        "autoLowLatencyModeSignalled": true,
        "edidVersion": "2.0"

The HDMIInputPort object MUST have a port string property, which is the unique ID of that port. This is usually formatted and printed on the device near the port.

The port property MUST match the pattern:


The HDMIInputPort object MUST have a connected boolean property, which is true if that port has a device connected, false otherwise.

The HDMIInputPort object MUST have a signal string property, which denotes the signal validity.

The signal property MUST be one of the following values:

The HDMIInputPort object MUST have an arcCapable boolean property, which is true if this HDMI port supports ARC and/or eARC device connections.

The HDMIInputPort object MUST have an arcConnected boolean property, which is true if the attached device supports ARC and/or eARC, regardless of whether the input port supports ARC.

The HDMIInputPort object MUST have an edidVersion string property which is the selected E-EDID version “1.4” or “2.0” for the port.

The edidVersion property MUST be one of the following values:

If the edidVersion is "2.0" then the HDMIInputPort object:

MUST have an autoLowLatencyModeCapable boolean property, which is true if the device has ALLM support in the EDID on this HDMI input, false otherwise.

MUST have an autoLowLatencyModelSignalled boolean property, which is true if the port is receiving an ALLM signal from a downstream source device, and false otherwise.

If the edidVersion is "1.4" or "unknown" then the HDMIInputPort object:

MUST have the autoLowLatencyModeCapable boolean property set to false.

MUST have the autoLowLatencyModelSignaled boolean property set to false

The "unknown" value of the edidVersion property SHOULD be reserved for edge cases, such as a test device with a newer version of HDMI ports than the device software supports.

The ports API requires use access to the xrn:firebolt:capability:inputs:hdmi capability.

4. Single Port

The HDMIInput module MUST have a port method that returns info on a single HDMI port.

The port API MUST return an HDMIInputPort object that corresponds to the provided portId parameter.


The port API requires use access to the xrn:firebolt:capability:inputs:hdmi capability.

5. Port Connection Notification

The HDMIInput module MUST have an onConnectionChanged notification that fires when any HDMI port has a connection physically engaged or disengaged.

This notification MUST have an object payload.

The object payload MUST have a port string property that denotes which input port has detected a connection change.

The port property MUST match the pattern:


The object payload MUST have a connected boolean property that denotes the updated value of the connection state.

Example payload:

      "port": "HDMI1",
      "contected": true

The onConnectionChanged API requires use access to the xrn:firebolt:capability:inputs:hdmi capability.

6. Port Signal Notification

The HDMIInput module MUST have an onSignalChanged notification that fires when any HDMI port signal changes status.

This notification MUST have an object payload.

The object payload MUST have a port string property that denotes which input port has detected a change to the signal validity.

The port property MUST match the pattern:


The object payload MUST have a signal string property that denotes the updated value of the input device signal.

The signal property MUST be one of the following values:

Example payload:

      "port": "HDMI1",
      "signal": "stable"

The onSignalChanged API requires use access to the xrn:firebolt:capability:inputs:hdmi capability.

7. EDID Version

Extended Display Identification Data enables HDMI devices to communicate which set of features are supported.

The HDMIInput module MUST have a boolean property named edidVersion, with a getter, setter, and notification subscriber.

The edidVersion property MUST have a port parameter to specify which port.

The edidVersion property requires access to the use role of the xrn:firebolt:capability:inputs:hdmi capability.

The edidVersion property MUST have a notification for when a port’s edid value changes.

The edidVersion property MUST have a setter that requires access to the manage role.

Setting this property changes the specified port’s EDID version, that is broadcast to other devices.

Low latency mode switches the device to shorten the overall processing time of HDMI A/V signals. Depending on the platform some video processing features may be disabled such as MPEG noise reduction.

8. Low Latency

Low Latency refers to a set of functionally that combines to provide manual or automatic activation of HDMI Low Latency Mode.

Low latency mode switches the device to shorten the overall processing time of HDMI A/V signals.

Depending on the platform some video processing features may be disabled such as MPEG noise reduction.

8.1. Low Latency Mode

The HDMIInput module MUST have a boolean property named lowLatencyMode, with a getter, setter, and notification subscriber.

Enabling this property turns on the underlying low latency mode feature for the Firebolt device, which affects all HDMI ports, but not other media sources.

Low latency mode switches the device to shorten the overall processing time of HDMI A/V signals. Depending on the platform some video processing features may be disabled such as MPEG noise reduction.

The lowLatencyMode API requires use access to the xrn:firebolt:capability:inputs:hdmi capability.

The lowLatencyMode API MUST have a corresponding setter that requires manage access to the xrn:firebolt:capability:inputs:hdmi capability.

8.1.1. Low Latency Mode Notification

Whenever the underlying HDMI implementation executes an LLM change (either on or off), this notification MUST fire:


The onLowLatencyModeChanged API requires use access to the xrn:firebolt:capability:inputs:hdmi capability.

8.2. Auto Low Latency Mode Signalled

The HDMIInput module MUST have an onAutoLowLatencyModeSignalChanged notification that fires when the ALLM signal from the source connected to a port changes.

This notification MUST have an object payload.

The object payload MUST have a port string property that denotes which input port has detected a change to the ALLM signal.

The port property MUST match the pattern:


The object payload MUST have an autoLowLatencyMode boolean property that denotes the updated value, true or false, of the ALLM setting.

Example payload:

      "port": "HDMI1",
      "autoLowLatencyModeSignalled": true

The onAutoLowLatencyModeSignalChanged API requires use access to the xrn:firebolt:capability:inputs:hdmi capability.

8.3. Port Auto Low Latency Mode Capable

The HDMIInput module MUST have a boolean property autoLowLatencyModeCapable which reflects the HDMI port setting for advertising ALLM support in its E-EDID.

The autoLowLatencyModeCapable property takes a string context parameter, port to identify the HDMI port.

The port parameter must match the pattern:


The autoLowLatencyModeCapable API requires use access to the xrn:firebolt:capability:inputs:hdmi capability.

Changing this property turns on/off the underlying auto low latency mode advertisement in any HDMI port E-EDID of version >= v2.0.

To change the property:

function autoLowLatencyModeCapable(port: string, autoLowLatencyMode: boolean)

The autoLowLatencyModeCapable setter API requires manage access to the xrn:firebolt:capability:inputs:hdmi capability.

8.3.1. Port Auto Low Latency Mode Capable Changed Notification

Whenever the underlying HDMI implementation executes an ALLM support change (either on or off), this notification must fire:


To listen for port ALLM notifications:

HDMIInput.autoLowLatencyModeCapableChanged((data) => {
  console.log('Port ' + data.port + ' ALLM changed to ' + data.autoLowLatencyModeCapable)

autoLowLatencyModeCapable - whether or not ALLM is advertised as supported in the E-EDID for the port.

port - the HDMI port that had an E-EDID ALLM advertisement change.

The onAutoLowLatencyModeCapableChanged API requires use access to the xrn:firebolt:capability:inputs:hdmi capability.

9. HDMI Port managing active source

The HDMIInput module MUST have open and close method(s) that manages the active source of on a single HDMI port.

The HDMIInput.open MUST include a portId field complying to the schema of HDMIPortId

The HdmiInput.open and HDMIInput.close API(s) MUST return an empty object for a successful operation, if there was an error the response Must contain the details of the error.

The HdmiInput.open and HDMIInput.close API requires manage access to the xrn:firebolt:capability:inputs:hdmi capability.

Below is an example for opening a given HDMIPort.

HDMIInput.open('HDMI1').then(() => {
  console.log("Successfully opened HDMI1 port");

Below is an example for closing last active source.

HDMIInput.close().then(() => {
  console.log("Successfully closed HDMI1 port");