Table of Contents
A Firebolt compliant representation of a Movie entity.
type MovieEntity = {
entityType: 'program'
programType: 'movie'
entityId: string
assetId?: string
appContentData?: string
type Metadata = {
title?: string // Title of the entity.
synopsis?: string // Short description of the entity.
seasonNumber?: number // For TV seasons, the season number. For TV episodes, the season that the episode belongs to.
seasonCount?: number // For TV series, seasons, and episodes, the total number of seasons.
episodeNumber?: number // For TV episodes, the episode number.
episodeCount?: number // For TV seasons and episodes, the total number of episodes in the current season.
releaseDate?: string // The date that the program or entity was released or first aired.
contentRatings?: ContentRating[] // A ContentRating represents an age or content based of an entity. Supported rating schemes and associated types are below.
See also:
type MusicEntity = {
entityType: 'music'
musicType: MusicType // In the case of a music `entityType`, specifies the type of music entity.
entityId: string
See also:
type ChannelEntity = {
entityType: 'channel'
channelType: 'streaming' | 'overTheAir'
entityId: string // ID of the channel, in the target App's scope.
appContentData?: string
type UntypedEntity = {
entityId: string
assetId?: string
appContentData?: string
A Firebolt compliant representation of a Playlist entity.
type PlaylistEntity = {
entityType: 'playlist'
entityId: string
assetId?: string
appContentData?: string
A Firebolt compliant representation of a TV Episode entity.
type TVEpisodeEntity = {
entityType: 'program'
programType: 'episode'
entityId: string
seriesId: string
seasonId: string
assetId?: string
appContentData?: string
A Firebolt compliant representation of a TV Season entity.
type TVSeasonEntity = {
entityType: 'program'
programType: 'season'
entityId: string
seriesId: string
assetId?: string
appContentData?: string
A Firebolt compliant representation of a TV Series entity.
type TVSeriesEntity = {
entityType: 'program'
programType: 'series'
entityId: string
assetId?: string
appContentData?: string
A Firebolt compliant representation of the remaining program entity types.
type AdditionalEntity = {
entityType: 'program'
| 'concert'
| 'sportingEvent'
| 'preview'
| 'other'
| 'advertisement'
| 'musicVideo'
| 'minisode'
| 'extra'
entityId: string
assetId?: string
appContentData?: string
type ProgramEntity =
| MovieEntity
| TVEpisodeEntity
| TVSeasonEntity
| TVSeriesEntity
| AdditionalEntity
See also:
MovieEntity TVEpisodeEntity TVSeasonEntity TVSeriesEntity AdditionalEntity
type Entity =
| ProgramEntity
| MusicEntity
| ChannelEntity
| UntypedEntity
| PlaylistEntity
See also:
ProgramEntity MusicEntity ChannelEntity UntypedEntity PlaylistEntity
type EntityDetails = {
| ProgramEntity
| MusicEntity
| ChannelEntity
| UntypedEntity
| PlaylistEntity
info?: Metadata
waysToWatch?: WayToWatch[] // A WayToWatch describes a way to watch a video program. It may describe a single
See also:
type PlayableEntity =
| MovieEntity
| TVEpisodeEntity
| PlaylistEntity
| MusicEntity
| AdditionalEntity
See also:
MovieEntity TVEpisodeEntity PlaylistEntity MusicEntity AdditionalEntity