
Document Status: Working Draft

Contributor Organization
Jeremy LaCivita Comcast

1. Overview

This document describes various terms used as part of Firebolt APIs, e.g. method names or parameters, and how they are used by Firebolt, for consistency.

The terms are this document are commonly used across multiple modules. However, new APIs should be deferential to all existing APIs, not just words listed here.

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

2. Table of Contents

3. Firebolt Terms

3.1. app

noun. - A Firebolt app. Any component that calls Firebolt APIs, either directly, or by running inside of a container that calls Firebolt APIs, is a Firebolt app.

3.2. available

adj. - Used in the context of a capability to denote that the capability could be leveraged now if it is permitted and either granted or is not gated by a user grant. Available capabilities are, by definition, supported.

3.3. availability

noun. - Used in the context of content to denote that the content could be consumed if either the device has an entitlement to the content, or the content does not require any entitlement.

3.4. capability

noun. - A discrete unit of functionality that a Firebolt device might be able to perform. It is granular enough to enable appropriate access controls across all Firebolt Apps, but useful enough to be a meaningful functional unit that an App might care about.

3.5. closed captions

noun. - Closed Captions are text tracks rendered over or near content with the intention of making the audio track of the content more accessible, for example to deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals.

3.6. content

noun. - Content consumed on Firebolt platforms, e.g. video, games, music, etc.

3.7. entitlement

noun. - Used in the context of content to denote that the device or user has acquired the right to consume the content. Content may also have availability requirements for consumption, e.g. a user may have pre-orded a piece of content, and therefor have an entitlement to it, that becomes available in the future.

3.8. granted

adj. - Used in the context of a capability to denote that the capability has been granted to an app by the user. Capabilities that are gated by user grant cannot be leveraged by any app w/out being granted.

3.9. lifecycle

noun. - Used to describe the life, from being loaded to unloaded, of a Firebolt app. The app lifecycle has many states that inform the app how it is being percieved and how it should behave.

3.10. media

noun. - Content that that plays back over time without requiring interaction from the user, e.g. video or music. Media must have a start-time, or a duration, or both.

3.11. permitted

adj. - Used in the context of a capability to denote that the capability has been permitted to an app by the distributor of the device.

3.12. policy

noun. - A group of user, device, and/or distributor settings that affect a particular domain, e.g. Advertising.

3.13. user grant

noun. - A secure process in which a user of a device grants an app on the device access to a capability.

3.14. supported

adj. - Used in the context of a capability to denote that the capability could be leveraged at some point on this device, because the distributor offers it as part of this device’s feature set. Leveraging a capability also requires that it is available, permitted, and either granted or is not gated by a user grant.