Firebolt Entities

Document Status: Proposed Specification

See Firebolt Requirements Governance for more info.

1. Overview

Entities are object which identify a piece of content that an end-user may consume within an app.

Firebolt uses Entities or Entity Ids as parameters and/or results of content-centric Firebolt APIs that an App may interact with.

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

2. Table of Contents

3. Entities

Every Entity MUST be of type object.

Every Entity object MUST have a string property named entityId, which identifies the entity. The scope of entity identifiers SHOULD be defined by the app providing or receiving the Entity, so that the App may work across Firebolt distrubutions without mapping IDs from a distributor space to the App’s space.

Every Entity object MAY have a string property named assetId, which disambiguates the asset from the entity, if needed. The scope of asset identifiers SHOULD be defined by the app providing or receiving the Entity, so that the App may work across Firebolt distrubutions without mapping IDs from a distributor space to the App’s space.

Every Entity object MAY have a string property named appContentData, limited to 256 characters, which provides additional information useful for targeting that Entity, e.g. a deeplink path.

An example Entity:

    "entityId": "entity/abc"

Another example Entity:

    "entityId": "entity/abc",
    "assetId": "asset/123",
    "appContentData": "xyz"

Firebolt platforms MUST NOT infer anything from the values of these fields, although back-office systems operated by Firebolt distributors may.

4. Playlist Entities

A playlist is a type of entity that points to a list of other entities.

Since entity IDs are in the target app’s scope, it is up to each app to know what to do with the contents of a given playlist.

    "entityType": "playlist",
    "entityId": "playlist/xyz"

5. Entity Specifications