Play Intent

Document Status: Proposed Specification

See Firebolt Requirements Governance for more info.

Contributor Organization
Jeremy LaCivita Comcast
Liz Sheffield Comcast
Seth Kelly Comcast
Simon Grist Sky

1. Overview

There are many use cases where a Firebolt device will need to inform an app of a user’s intention to play something. This could originate from a voice remote, an editorial tile, a developer tool, or any number of places. Having a standard message to play something allows an app to integrate with this message once, while allowing the platform to change when and where the intent comes from w/out further work from the app.

Apps will need to be able to play specific entities from a back-office meta-data integration, entities from a federated meta-data integration, or non-specific entities based on a query.

The existing Firebolt playback intent does not meet these requirements. This document outlines a more flexible play-entity and play-query intent to replace it.

2. Table of Contents

3. Play Entity Intent

The Firebolt navigateTo notification MUST support a play-entity intent, which tells an app to initiate playback of specific entity.

The play-entity intent MUST have an action property, whose value is "play-entity".

The play-entity intent MUST have a data object property, which is an object conforming to the following:

The data object MUST have an entity object property.

The entity object, MUST be an Entity.

The data object MAY have an options object property that conforms to Play Entity Options.

The play-entity intent MUST have a context object property that conforms to the Intent Context.

An example play-entity intent:

    "action": "play-entity",
    "data": {
        "entity": {
            "entityType": "program",
            "programType": "movie",
            "entityId": "movie/xyz"
    "context": {
        "source": "voice"

Which would instruct an app to play the movie entity with id movie/xyz.

3.1. Play Entity Options

3.1.1. Play First Option

For play-entity intents with an entity whose entityType is "playlist", e.g.:

    "action": "play-entity",
    "data": {
        "entity": {
            "entityType": "playlist",
            "entityId": "playlist/xyz"
    "context": {
        "source": "voice"

The options property of the intent MAY contain a playFirstId string property, to identify an entity to play before starting the playlist, e.g.:

    "action": "play-entity",
    "data": {
        "entity": {
            "entityType": "playlist",
            "entityId": "playlist/xyz"
        "options": {
            "playFirstId": "song/xyz"
    "context": {
        "source": "voice"

If playFirstId is provided, the the targeted app MUST attempt to play the entity denoted by playFirstId first, regardless of whether it is part of the identified playlist or not.

If the playFirstId was successfully played, then the app SHOULD remove the playFirstId entity from any later position in the playlist, if appropriate.

The options property of the intent MAY contain a playFirstTrack integer property, to identify an entity from the playlist to play before the rest of the playlist, e.g.:

    "action": "play-entity",
    "data": {
        "entity": {
            "entityType": "playlist",
            "entityId": "playlist/xyz"
        "options": {
            "playFirstTrack": 3
    "context": {
        "source": "voice"

If playFirstTrack is provided and the playlist has at least that many items, then the item denoted by playFirstTrack MUST be moved from it’s original position to the front of the playlist for playback.

The options object MUST NOT have both a playFirstId and a playFirstTrack property.

4. Play Query Intent

The Firebolt navigateTo notification MUST support a play-query intent, which tells an app to find content that matches a query and play that content.

The play-query intent MUST have an action property, whose value is "play-query".

The play-query intent MUST have data property, which is an object conforming to the following:

The data object MUST have a query string property.

The data object MAY have an options object property that conforms to Play Options.

The play-query intent MUST have a context object property that conforms to the Intent Context.

An example play intent:

    "action": "play-query",
    "data": {
        "query": "Ed Sheeran"
    "context": {
        "source": "voice"

Which would instruct an app to search for content matching the query “Ed Sheeran” and then play the results.

4.1. Play Options for Query

For play-query intents with a query, e.g.:

    "action": "play-query",
    "data": {
        "query": "Ed Sheeran"
    "context": {
        "source": "voice"

The options property of the intent MAY contain a programTypes array-of-strings property, to filter which program entity typess, e.g. [ "movie", "episode" ] should be included, e.g.:

    "action": "play-query",
    "data": {
        "query": "Ed Sheeran",
        "options": {
            "programTypes": [
    "context": {
        "source": "voice"

The options property of the intent MAY contain a musicTypes array-of-strings property, to filter which music entity typess, e.g. [ "song", "album" ] should be included, e.g.:

    "action": "play-query",
    "data": {
        "query": "Ed Sheeran",
        "options": {
            "programTypes": [
            "musicTypes": [
    "context": {
        "source": "voice"

5. Core APIs

The Firebolt Core SDK will support listening to play-query and play-entity intents via the Discovery.navigateTo notification.

import { Discovery } from '@firebolt-js/sdk'

Discovery.listen('navigateTo', (intent) => {
    if (intent.action === 'play-query') 
        // do stuff with play intent!